Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hey, Why not?

Today at work, in a conversation with Legal, we started talking about chain emails.  I thought to myself: I miss those survey-type ones!  So, I found one from an old friend of mine, so here goes!

Height: 5'6" - after being with Kevin for over 6 years now, he asked me how tall I am, and when I said 5'6," he called me short
Shoe Size: 9.5/10

Sexual Orientation: I like boys - one in particular;)
Age you get mistaken for: 24ish
Have Tattoos? Nope, definitely not.
Want any tattoos? I'm definitely not against tattoos - just can't think of something beautiful enough to put on my body forever. 
Got any Piercings? Just ears right now.  Had a nose piercing just a few years ago, and I totally miss it.
Want any piercings? Yes, I'd like my nose piercing back!
Best friend? the hubby
Biggest fears: Not going to lie - I'm afraid of dying or someone close to me dying

Biggest celeb crush: Right now, Ryan Gosling
Favorite Movie: Juno
I’ll love you if: You tell it to me straight
Someone you miss: My grandparents - all of them
Most traumatic experience: I was in charge of the store during my internship at Target and a girl had a seizure. I can't handle seizures.
A fact about your personality: I can be completely reserved or 100% transparent, it all depends on who else is in the room.
What I hate most about myself: My lack of patience
What I love most about myself: My general ability to quickly forgive and forget the small stuff

What I want to be when I get older: Content
My relationship with my sibling(s): Love my bro & sis :)
My idea of a perfect date: Strolling through a garden, on the beach - anywhere where we can focus 100% on each other/our conversation without interuption or distractions

My biggest pet peeves: When people use the 's inappropriately for plural's
A description of the girl/boy I like: Passionate & dedicated
What my last text message says: "On my way home" - a status to the husband
What words upset me the most: "If you come with the idea, it will get funded"

What words make me feel the best about myself: "Erin adds a lot of value to the team"
Where I would like to live. maybe Austin, TX?

One of my insecurities. My presentation skills - I have one tomorrow at 9 AM
My childhood career choice. I thought I wanted to be a Doctor.  But then, I was a lifeguard and sheer anxiety that someone might get hurt and that it would be up to me to help was enough to sway that decision.
My favorite ice cream. COOKIES N CREAM is where it's at.
Who I wish I could be. There's really no one person I'd pick.  Maybe bits & pieces here and there?

Where I want to be right now. I'm really itching for a vacation.
The last thing I ate. A Jell-o Sugar Free pudding cup. South Beach Diet Savior.
A random fact about anything: Someone told me that it takes more calories for your body to digest a raspberry than is actually in the raspberry. Don't tell me if this isn't true!

Sorry if this was boring but not a lot of readers. ha!


  1. "If you come with the idea, it will get funded" - love it!

  2. Haha I'm glad I found your blog!!! Now I can stalk you all the time! Glad I got to see you guys this weekend!
