Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Zipper Merge: Learn it, Love it, DO IT!

This morning while I was merging on to 100 north, a car stopped at the beginning of the entry lane to merge into traffic, causing all of the cars behind it (including me) to have to SLAM on their brakes.  After taking a deep breath, I drove around the car to use the remainder of the lane to merge into traffic.

When suddenly, this crazed lady started trying to BLOCK me by straddling the lines between the two lanes so that I COULDN'T PASS HER.  She nearly hit me into the guard rail while she was laying on her horn!

Well, I am clearly a superior driver to her because I know that the rule of the road is to use the full merge lane and proceeded to do so.

Minnesotans are SO BAD at driving, especially in rush hour (presumably because of "MN NICE"), that the state had to create an entire campaign to inform MN drivers about this.

So, I'll continue letting people in who "come to the front of the line" because they're driving correctly: they're NOT jerks.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Best Wifey Ever: Packers Game Day Edition

Whenever Kevin thinks the dinner I made is awesome, he says, "Best wifey ever."  So, I'm going to name my recipe posts "Best Wifey Ever" because I wouldn't share them with you unless he give them this seal of approval.

It's Sunday, and we're getting ready to watch the Packer (vs. Giants) game.  I LOVE to make chili + some kind of corn bread or biscuit for Packer games, so in true traditional fashion, I did.

But, I've been wanting to try...

Wait - Jordy Nelson just scored a TD!!! Wahoo! He's seriously a stud.  Now, Crosby, don't miss the extra point, K?

Anyway, I've been wanting to try a white chicken chili for a while now. I was prepping to make some frozen dinners for a friend who had her second little baby boy (I visited on Friday and could NOT get enough of him).  I made her this same recipe but all I got was one spoonful to approve the taste.

It's a great recipe - just enough spice, and next time, I'll prob use milk instead of whipping cream, but it's Thanksgiving weekend so might as well LIVE IT UP!

In other news, Roger's stache is epic.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Super Seckzy Sox

As many of you know, I fall down the stairs a lot.

So, I've been keeping an eye out for a *cheap* pair of slippers/socks with grippies on the bottom.

Kevin was SO excited to see this sexiness when he got home from class tonight...

He said, "They're probably necessary."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Greasy Magazine Pages

About once every 2 weeks, Kevin and I get inspired to make a nice dinner at home.  Sometimes Kevin participates, and sometimes he just watches football - since our tendency to cook something usually lands on a Sunday.

But, tonight, we made this super yummy recipe from the November issue of Real Simple mag.  As cool as people are on Pinterest, I usually end up following recipes from magazines.  Maybe it's the glossy pictures?

Anyway, along came "Pasta with sausage, arugula and crispy bread crumbs." Gotta love a recipe that tells you EXACTLY what your signing up for.

It was so good that I wanted to share with you all.  The combo of Italian sausage and thyme was a quite interesting twist to the typical flavors experienced in the Pisca household.  Plus, it was pretty easy to make, and only had a few ingredients.  So, I'm guessing this recipe will happen again!

Apologies for the poor photo.

I was going to type out the recipe, but here's the link instead:

Obvi, we used mini farfalle (sp?) pasta instead of the fancy shmancy pasta found in the recipe (we shop at Target, people!).  Plus, in true Wisconsinite fashion, we had to add some cheese to the dish, so try a little Parmesan cheese sprinkled on the top.

Between this and the white chocolate macadamia cookies that are in the oven, I get an award for Best. Wifey. Ever. from Kevin, or at least I SHOULD!
