Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Zipper Merge: Learn it, Love it, DO IT!

This morning while I was merging on to 100 north, a car stopped at the beginning of the entry lane to merge into traffic, causing all of the cars behind it (including me) to have to SLAM on their brakes.  After taking a deep breath, I drove around the car to use the remainder of the lane to merge into traffic.

When suddenly, this crazed lady started trying to BLOCK me by straddling the lines between the two lanes so that I COULDN'T PASS HER.  She nearly hit me into the guard rail while she was laying on her horn!

Well, I am clearly a superior driver to her because I know that the rule of the road is to use the full merge lane and proceeded to do so.

Minnesotans are SO BAD at driving, especially in rush hour (presumably because of "MN NICE"), that the state had to create an entire campaign to inform MN drivers about this.

So, I'll continue letting people in who "come to the front of the line" because they're driving correctly: they're NOT jerks.

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